by Cowgirl on June 8, 2010
I have owned many horses, and have ridden hundreds. But of them all, if I could have just one horse, it would be Beauty. I called her my little Ragamuffin or Muffinhead because she was not much to look at but I loved her. She was the greatest match for me and I’ll never find another horse like her. I love the memories I have of her, and I’m happy with the way things are. She was the best horse of my life.
by Cowgirl on June 7, 2010
Summer is by far the best time for horseback riding! There is nothing like an evening ride when a hot day begins cooling off. These rides are best enjoyed bareback, as the horses seem to have a lighter step and are happy to go on a joy-ride, rather than work. My best memories of childhood are horseback with my brothers and sisters. After supper time in the evenings, we would all run down to the barn, grab a bridle and jump on a horse.
by Cowgirl on June 3, 2010
I really don’t want to be set in my ways, or stuck in a rut because I think I know better than anyone else. It’s never too late to learn something new, and if I know anything about horses at all, I know that they are all different—each one is an individual, and I can’t be right 100% of the time.
by Cowgirl on June 2, 2010
We just got back from visiting my parents who live in Idaho. They live in a beautiful valley surrounded by snow-capped mountains and raise beef cattle, alfalfa hay, and Quarter horses. We spent several days riding horses and working cattle.
by Cowgirl on May 18, 2010
Rudy is the horse from my childhood who taught me the most. I’ve spent more time horseback on Rudy than any other horse in my life. He is on that pedestal in my memory where all faults are forgiven and forgotten–to me, he is the best horse in the world.
by Cowgirl on May 15, 2010
Driving cattle on horseback is a great training exercise for a green horse. Giving a horse a job and a focus will advance a horse in his training and provide opportunities to learn that would never be found in an arena.